Kid with 2 brain tumors dad speaks out
Kid with 2 brain tumors dad speaks out

kid with 2 brain tumors dad speaks out

His appointment isn't for another 2 weeks now but even tho we bought his bed down stairs and got him toilet facilities he still struggles to make it to the living room to sit and watch television.

kid with 2 brain tumors dad speaks out

Over the phone I was told it was a worry as to why he was this way by the oncologist which as you can imagine is pretty worrying to me and my siblings. They told me they do need him to make his next appointment even tho his mobility is so bad. N.O reluctant to giving him chemo but hasn't seen him to assess him as they are based at another hospital. No other indications of anything health issues as to why he feels this way. Over a week he was there chest xray clear, head C.T clear of any signs of a bleed or stroke and M.R.I wasn't drastically different. My sister called 999 and he got took to A & E. Moving on 3 weeks later struggling with his mobility very bad and just seems as tho he is rapidly declining. He was given the appropriate medication and is now on it for good at home everyday. He is now 28 months into this illness now.Ĥ weeks ago he was admitted to our local hospital with P.E's on both his right leg and lungs.

Kid with 2 brain tumors dad speaks out